Verify Code Compliance 100x Faster

Automate code compliance for construction sites and project designs in minutes, not weeks.

AI compliance

Upload project-specific regulations, CAD files, and site scans to verify compliance and accuracy of plans and as-builts

Instant regulatory search

Within seconds, search through all relevant local and international planning, building, safety, and zoning codes to improve compliance.

Save millions

Avoid costly rework and delays by identifying accuracy and compliance errors early in the design phase.

Prevent costly delays, Instantly

Reduce development time and cost with automated compliance, in only three steps:

1Upload your proposed plans and current as-builts to verify accuracy and compliance.
2Search through comprehensive local and international regulations to identify regulatory gaps and risks in seconds.
3Save 8-15% by avoiding rework and delays, and preventing unnecessary change orders.
ClearFrame Dashboard
ClearFrame Dashboard

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